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Skill Lab Rules & Regulations

As, the Skill Lab contains specialized materials, equipment’s, and environment, hence some of the rules and regulations are set-forth to ensure safety and productive learning environment. It is essential for the students to adhere strictly with the established rules and regulations of Skill Lab. These Rules and Regulations detailed are below:

  1. Safety First:

    Always prioritize safety and adhere to safety guidelines provided by instructors or lab supervisors.

  2. Attendance and Punctuality:

    Be punctual and attend all scheduled lab sessions. Missing lab sessions may impact your learning and understanding of the subject matter.

  3. Come Prepared:

    Review any assigned readings or materials before each session. Being prepared allows you to make the most of the learning opportunities provided.

  4. Respect Equipment and Facilities:

    Treat all equipment, tools, and materials with respect. Do not misuse or tamper with any lab equipment. Report any damaged or malfunctioning equipment to the lab supervisor immediately.

  5. No Unauthorized Practice:

    Do not practice or use equipment without the permission and supervision of the lab instructor. Only perform procedures and skills taught and supervised by the skill lab instructor. Avoid practicing procedures without proper guidance.

  6. Cleanliness And Tidiness:

    Keep the lab area clean and tidy. Clean up your workspace after each session and dispose of waste properly in designated containers.

  7. Follow Instructions:

    Pay close attention to instructions given by the lab instructor or supervisor. Follow procedures carefully to avoid accidents and achieve accurate results.

  8. No Food or Drinks:

    Eating and drinking are not allowed in the lab to prevent contamination and potential hazards.

  9. Professional Behavior:

    Display professional behavior and communication during the skill lab. Practice effective teamwork and respectful communication with instructors, lab staff, and fellow students.

  10. Collaboration:

    If group work is involved, cooperate with your team members and contribute to the group effort. Avoid plagiarism or taking credit for others' work.

  11. Prohibited Items:

    Do not bring any unauthorized items into the lab, such as personal belongings or electronic devices unless instructed otherwise.Turn off or Silence your cell phone during the skill lab session.

  12. Personal Hygiene:

    Maintain good personal hygiene, especially when handling sensitive materials or equipment.

  13. Lab Work and Documentation:

    Complete lab work and documentation as required by the instructor. Maintain accurate records of lab work and results.

  14. Lab Access:

    Access the lab only during scheduled hours and when supervised by authorized personnel.

  15. Prohibited Activities:

    Do not engage in horseplay, running, or any behavior that could endanger yourself or others.

  16. Respect the Learning Environment:

    Refrain from disruptive behavior or activities that could interfere with other students' learning experiences.

  17. Emergency Procedures:

    Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures, including evacuation routes, fire extinguisher locations, and first-aid kits.

  18. Reporting Incidents:

    Report any Accidents, Near-misses, or Unsafe practices to the instructor immediately.

  19. NOTE:

    Violating the Skill Lab Rules & Regulations may result in disciplinary action.