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Library Rules & Regulations

There are some common rules and regulations that are typically followed in libraries. It is essential for the students to adhere strictly with these established rules and regulations of Library. These Rules and Regulations are detailed below:

  1. Library Membership and Access:

    • Students must have a valid library membership or identification card to enter and borrow library materials.

    • No student is allowed to enter the circulation area without the consent of the library staff.

  2. Library Etiquettes:

    • Maintain a quiet environment inside the library to allow others to study and concentrate.

    • Seats in the library cannot be reserved in advance for anyone.

  3. Personal Belongings:

    • Keep personal belongings such as bags/books outside the library or in designated area as advised by library staff.

    • Do not leave valuable items unattended.

  4. Cell Phones and Electronic Devices:

    • Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the library.

    • Set electronic devices to silent mode to avoid disturbing others.

    • Make and receive calls outside the library premises.

  5. Eating and Drinking:

    • Eating and drinking is strictly prohibited inside the library.

  6. Respect Library Materials:

    • Handle library materials, including books, journals, and other library resources, with care.

    • Do not mark, highlight, or deface library materials.

    • Do not move, modify or tamper the library materials without the permission of the library staff.

  7. Borrowing and Returning Materials:

    • Borrow and return materials on time to avoid overdue fines or penalties.

    • Adhere to the borrowing limits set by the library:

    • The book issuance continues from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm.

    • The book return time lasts from 12:00 pm until 2:00 pm.

    • All borrowed materials must be returned within 3 days.

    • Overdue Charges/Fine:After the due date of returning, Rs. 100/day will be charged to the student.

  8. Damage/Loss of Library Materials:

    • All Users must ensure that the books they borrow are in good condition to avoid being held responsible for any damage noted while returning the books.

    • In case of Damage/Loss of library material the User will be bound to pay the cost of replacement and processing of library material.

    • Lost books must be reported to the library staff immediately.

    • Lost library books that are recovered must be handed to the librarian as they remain the property of the college library.

  9. Respect Library Staff:

    • Be courteous and respectful to library staff.

    • Seek help from library staff when needed.

  10. Expulsion from the Library:

    • The library staff has the right to ask students to leave the library if they are behaving inappropriately or causing disturbance to other users.

    • Anyone caught marking, defacing or mutilating books or any other library material will be expected to pay for the material with the current edition of the same.